
Showing posts from January, 2013

The Withering Process

Image Withering Withering is the first processing step in the factory and is a process in which freshly plucked leaf is conditioned physically, as well as, chemically for subsequent processing stages. Indeed, withering is one of the most important tea processing steps and can be said to constitute the foundation for achieving quality in tea manufacture. Based on achieving the desired level of withering, one can make better quality teas and, on neglect, can invite serious problems in subsequent steps of manufacture. As a matter of fact, in planter’s perception, “Withering makes or mars the tea”. Process objectives The process objectives to be achieved during withering are as follows: To breakdown complex chemical compounds in the cells to simpler compounds which along with other simpler molecules then recombine to contribute to quality attributes of tea like the ‘body’ and ‘flavour’ at a later stage. This is known as t...

Passionate about Tea

Image Not your ordinary specialty tea expert... Lisa Boalt Richardson -Award-Winning       Published Author -Keynote Speaker -Educator & Trainer -Marketing PR Specialist  “Tea time is anytime”, states Lisa Boalt Richardson of Lisa Knows Tea .    Ms. Richardson is the author of the  award-winning  book,  Tea with a Twist; Entertaining and Cooking with Tea (Harvest House Publishers 2009)  and   The World in your Teacup: Celebrating Tea Traditions Near and Far  (Harvest House Publishers 2010.) She is currently working on her third tea book Modern Tea  (Chronicle Books) which will be out in Spring of 2014. She travels the country speaking at conferences and special events focusing on her culinary arts and specialty tea expertise. She has spoken for the World Tea Expo, Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show, Kashi, Emory University, and many other national...