Pesticides versus Biological Control "Pest management is the reduction of pest problems by actions selected after the life systems of the pests are understood and the ecological as well as economic consequences of these actions have been predicted, as accurately as possible, to be in the best interest of mankind". Rabb, R. L. and F. E. Guthrie, 1970. The use of pesticides in the control of insects has not been effective as we have seen by the return of the Mediterranean and Oriental fruitflies that have reappeared after massive spraying of the pesticide Malathion. And the use of pesticides has caused the extinction of many beneficial insects, as well as poisoning the water and the birds and reptiles who may have fed on the poisoned insects. Pesticides do not differentiate; they will kill the good as well as the bad. Extinction is final, there is no resurrection for any of the insects that are gone. As we saw by the story of the ...