Oolong Tea Makes Your Brain Work Faster And Better
If you want to enjoy yourself and improve your brain functioning at the same time, drink a cup of oolong tea. This article discusses ways oolong tea is good for your brain and contributes to “fundamental functioning.” Oolong tea benefits are: http://www.oolongteacommunity.com/oolong-tea-to-improve-brain/ It makes you smarter. Some people think there is a connection between PH in tea and I.Q. There is a theory that I.Q. has something to do with the PH value of fluid in the brain. Some people think oolong tea is alkaline and can reduce acidity in the brain. Others categorize tea as having a neutral or acidic PH. Adding milk or lemon to oolong tea can change the PH. The science is inclusive. Oolong tea includes vitamins, which are good for the brain, eyes and whole body. Caffeine and theine increase AMP, which is necessary for the chemical ATP, which the brain needs. Other oolong tea benefits include having amino acids, minerals and TP (tea polyp...