
Showing posts from 2015

Cafezinho - The Brazilian Cup of Coffee

Akin to the small "bhaarer cha" in kolkata , Brazilians are crazy for a small cup of coffee called cafezinho at every opportune breaktime it at office , college time or simply between taking it easy at a library . Here's an excerpt ... Although  Starbucks  has invaded the world's largest coffee producing country, and now has shops in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Campinas, most Brazilians get their daily coffee fix from one of the millions of street-corner coffee bars, juice bars, luncheonettes or bakeries. And what they order is called a " cafezinho ." Cafezinho , in Brazilian Portuguese, means "a little coffee". A cup of  cafezinho  is a small, intense, and most of all, very sweet shot of black coffee. It is sometimes served unsweetened with sugar or sweetener on the side, but more often it is pre-sweetened and served that way. Whichever way it is served, a ...

History of Tea Time

Prior to the introduction of tea into Britain, the English had two main meals, breakfast and dinner. Breakfast was ale, bread, and beef.  During the middle of the eighteenth century, dinner for the upper and middle classes had shifted from noontime to an evening meal that was served at a fashionable late hour. Dinner was a long, massive meal at the end of the day. 17th Century Afternoon tea may have been started by the French. According to the monthly newsletter called  TeaMuse , in the writings of Madame de Sévigné (1626 to 1696),  one of history's greatest letter writers on life in 17th Century France: It's a little known fact, but after its introduction to Europe in the 17th century tea was tremendously popular in France. It first arrived in Paris in 1636 (22 years before it appeared in England!) and quickly became popular among the aristocracy. . . Tea was so popular in Paris that Madame de Sévigné, who chronicled the doings of the Sun King and his cronies i...

Malcolm Ferris Lay - a Tea Consultant with a difference

With vast hands-on-experience he appears to be a consultant with a difference ... more of doing and far less of advising .... Tea Consultant Malcolm Ferris - Lay comes from a family 'steeped' in tea and has himself over four decades of experiance in the tea industry. Malcolm provides a range of  specialist tea services  to manufacturers,hotels and retailers across the world. Clients have included  Atlantis The Palm Hotel & Resort Dubai, Ritz-Carlton Dubai, Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek (Dallas) The Dorchester, The Savoy,Wedgwood, The Royal Collection (Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle) and Althorpe House. Speciality and Blended teas from 2.5 kilos Tea tasting services and bespoke tea blending Recommended by the Tea Council for services as a trainer for Afternoon Tea Training and consultancy services for trade and consumer Lecturer and advisor Malcolm has lectured in the USA for the Royal Oak Foundation as well as in Chicago, London, Dubai, Sydne...

Where Tea is a way of Worship The Urasenke London Branch is one of many branches of the Urasenke Foundation in Japan, a non-profitable organisation, found world wide. Urasenke branches overseas main aim is to introduce and spread knowledge of Chado, The Way of Tea, a Japanese tradition with more than 400 hundred years history. The London branch of the Urasenke Foundation is open to all who have an interest in Chado, The Way of Tea. It is our aim to disseminate the Way of Tea in the United Kingdom through lectures, demonstrations, training and Tea gatherings. For those who are interested in learning more about this important part of Japanese culture and to experience at first hand its special values, participation in the activities of the branch are possible at several levels, the Urasenke London branch offers: - Keiko, practical study. - Participation as a guest through an annual programme of events and special workshops. Visit our  calendar page  for our activities sch...

Roast Style and Flavor of Coffee There are many factors affecting the flavor of your coffee. Naturally, the origin of the bean and the care with which it has been treated will affect the coffee in your cup, and so will the color of the bean. Roasting has a big impact on the flavor of coffee. Unroasted coffee starts as a green bean, and how dark it's roasted will affect the flavor characteristics. Knowledge of how coffee flavor is affected by roast style goes a long way to understanding how pale or dark a bean will taste when ground and brewed. Introduction to Roast Style Across the many coffee-drinking parts of the world, people have developed their own preferences for roast style. Roast style has a big impact on the flavor of a coffee, so it is important to understand. Not only can you expect certain flavor characteristics depending on the roast style, but coffees of different origins will be better suited to some roast styles over others. Plenty to debate. Starbucks  ...

What Makes a Good Cup of Coffee Making a good cup of coffee at home is not a complicated thing. In fact, you only need to remember a small number of fundamental rules to make good coffee. How many of those rules you follow is up to you. The more you follow, the better the cup of coffee you brew. Follow them all, and you can make the best cup of coffee you've ever had, at home. It's key to your whole process of making great coffee at home to plan in advance so that you cover the bases. Golden Rule #1 Ground coffee expires at a faster rate than whole coffee beans. What to do Coffee goes stale for as long as it's not kept airtight. In addition ground coffee deteriorates at a different rate than whole coffee beans. Ground coffee deteriorates at a much faster rate. This even goes for grocery store-bought ground coffee which comes airtight in vacuum-packed packaging or a tin container, but begins to go stale as soon as you break the seal. Most North Am...

Masala Tea Video demonstration

Watch the preparation of this very Indian masala tea from our very own Champion Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

Ginger Tea

One of the most popular drinks with natural ginger ,this is how the concoction is made

Climate change sparks tension in India's tea gardens Usha Ghatowar smiles wryly when asked about the pay she earns picking leaves at a colonial-era tea garden in Assam. "Do you think 3,000 rupees are enough when your monthly expenses can be double that?" she mumbles, as she puts on her "jaapi" hat of woven bamboo and palm leaves and takes a sip of tea from a steel mug. As the women workers around Ghatowar nod in agreement the heavens open - it has started raining heavily in recent days after three largely dry months. Unrest is brewing among Assam's so-called Tea Tribes, whose forefathers were brought here by British planters from neighbouring Bihar and Odisha more than a century ago, as changing weather patterns upset the economics of the industry. Scientists say climate change is to blame for uneven rainfall that is cutting yields and lifting costs for tea firms such as McLeod Russel ( MCLE.NS ), Tata Global Beverag...

Adagio Teas If you have tried Adagio Teas ,please provide your feedback in the comments section  Adagio Teas  is a excellent place to buy high quality, primarily loose-leaf tea ( Read Merchant Review of Adagio Teas ). Their teas come packaged in nice little tin containers, providing an air and light-proof seal, helping to keep the tea fresh. Additionally,  Adagio Teas  has a superb collection of teas, from white to green and everything in between. Listed below are reviews of various teas from them that are available on the site. Just click any of the links to read the full reviews. Adagio Cream Flavored Black Tea  :  A non-bitter and moderately strong cream flavored black tea. Adagio Spiced Green Tea  :  A very enjoyable and tasty green tea. Adagio Teas Almond Tea  :  A pleasant but weak tasting almond flavored black tea. No substitute for Amaretto, sadly. Adagio Teas Ap...