Best teas for coeliacs: Soothing brews to ease gut inflammation
When faced with the inevitability of a bleak British winter, it’s near-impossible to do anything but put the kettle on and hibernate. Tea is the ultimate comforter, with enthusiasts oscillating between Builder's and herbal to keep stimulated throughout the day. But for those with coeliac disease, the simple act of brewing a cuppa isn’t quite so straightforward. Coeliacs have to stay clear of gluten such as wheat, barley and rye, which can be found in certain teas. While traditional blends such as black, green or white are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and are gluten-free, you may be surprised just how many teas do contain the grains above. Surprisingly, some brands of herbal teas use barley malt as a sweetener, meaning the tea flavouring contains gluten. Roasted barley is also a popular tea ingredient in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisine, meaning coeliacs need to be careful when ordering hot beverages in Asian restaurants. Herb...