
Showing posts from March, 2019

Forever Young: 5 Ways to Beat the Clock for Life

Discover the secrets to looking and feeling younger Jené Luciani Topics:  anti-aging , beauty tips , sleep advice , stress relief           Turning back the hands of time—it’s a quest for many women who simply refuse to age gracefully. And with all that’s available aesthetically (Botox, wrinkle creams, etc.), the visible signs of aging can be erased altogether. But what about on the inside? Are there ways we can beat the clock for life when it comes to overall physical and mental health and well-being?   Dr. Jennifer Landa, MD , Chief Medical Officer of  BodyLogicMD  and author of  The Sex Drive Solution for Women  says yes.  “Staying young and beautiful forever used to be science fiction, but fiction is rapidly becoming fact, thanks to new medical advances,” Landa says. “Yesterday’s advances focused on disease management; today’s new frontier is staving off sickness and aging altog...

Benefits of Flower Infusions

Infusion made by steeping flowers in warm water is also very good for health and tastes great too.  We are definitely aware of rosewater as a form of tea . Here are a few of the benefits : Though there's not a lot of research behind the beneficial claims, here's why proponents of rose water believe you should drink up. 1.  Drink rose water to hydrate the skin from the inside. Well-hydrated skin looks and feels plump and healthy. 2.  Drink rose water, said to have anti-aging properties, to help with skin aging by reducing  wrinkles,  lightening dark spots and tightening pores. 3.  Drink rose water as a mood enhancer, to relieve depression or stress and improve mood. 4.  Drink rose water to relieve digestion troubles like bloating, upset tummy and constipation. 5.  Drink rose water to help heal from colds, flu and sore throats. It may have a bronchodilator effect and help with respiratory illness. 6.  Drink rose water to cal...