Who Consume Artisanal Chocolates in India


In India, consumers of artisanal chocolates vary widely, but generally include:

  1. Urban Population: Artisanal chocolates tend to be more popular among urban populations, especially in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, and Kolkata, where there is a growing middle class with disposable income and a taste for gourmet foods.

  2. Young Professionals: Young professionals, particularly those working in sectors like IT, finance, and media, often have a preference for artisanal and gourmet foods, including chocolates. They are willing to spend more on high-quality products and are also more likely to be exposed to international trends and flavors.

  3. Tourists and Expatriates: Tourists visiting India and expatriates living in the country also contribute to the market for artisanal chocolates. They may be familiar with gourmet chocolate brands from their home countries and seek similar products in India.

  4. Food Enthusiasts and Connoisseurs: Food enthusiasts, connoisseurs, and those interested in culinary experiences are another segment of consumers who appreciate the craftsmanship and unique flavors offered by artisanal chocolates.

  5. Gift Buyers: Artisanal chocolates are often purchased as gifts for special occasions such as festivals, weddings, birthdays, and corporate events. They are considered premium gifts and reflect sophistication and thoughtfulness.

  6. Health-conscious Consumers: With the rising awareness of health and wellness, there is a segment of consumers who prefer artisanal chocolates made with high-quality ingredients, less sugar, and fewer additives compared to mass-produced chocolates.

  7. Social Media Influencers and Trendsetters: Social media influencers and trendsetters play a significant role in promoting artisanal chocolates. Their endorsements and reviews can significantly impact consumer preferences and drive sales in this segment.

Overall, the market for artisanal chocolates in India is growing steadily as consumers become more discerning about quality, flavor, and origin, and are willing to explore new tastes and experiences in the realm of chocolate.


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