50 Jewish Quotes on Living Righteously
On Living Righteously https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4191311/jewish/50-Jewish-Quotes-on-Things-to-Do-Always.htm#utm_medium=email&utm_source=1_chabad.org_magazine_en&utm_campaign=en&utm_content=content 1. A person should always consider himself to be half wicked and half righteous. If he did one mitzvah , praiseworthy is he, for he tipped himself toward the side of righteousness. If he sinned, woe is to him, for he tipped himself toward the side of guilt. 1 2. A person should always [prefer to] live in a neighborhood of lions rather than a city of evildoers. 2 3. A person should always engage in Torah and mitzvot before he dies; once he is dead he is idle from Torah and mitzvot and unable to praise G‑d . 3 4. A person should always [prefer] to be pursued rather than to pursue others. 4 5. A person should always act [in a dignified manner] as if he is a Torah scholar. 5 6. A person should always engage in Torah and mitzvot, even if not f...