How to Actually Achieve More in A Day than Most Normally Do in A Week

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep

With the rise of the toxic hustle culture, being sleep-deprived has appallingly become something to brag about. Even I used to take sleep for granted.

  • Get rid of all electronic screens at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by electronic screens disrupts sleep by reducing the sleep hormone Melatonin’s production.
  • Find a calming activity to do just before bed. Anything that puts you in a serene state of mind will work. Reading a book while lying on my stomach is my go-to.
  • Use your bedroom for only these two things. Our brains associate activities with places. And you want your bedroom associated with only sleep and sex. So if you eat, work, chill, and live on your bed, there won’t be any helpful association — this is primarily what caused my insomnia.
  • Consider supplementing with Melatonin. This is sort of a last resort and having used Melatonin myself, I can attest to the fact that it works. ZMA is another supplement that might help. But, I’d say consult a doctor or a sleep specialist before trying these.

Ruthlessly prioritize and create these two task-buckets

24 hours isn’t enough to do everything we want to. And that’s exactly what makes ruthless prioritization not only powerful but necessary.

“If there are nine rabbits on the ground, if you want to catch one, just focus on one.”Jack Ma

On normal days, just before going to sleep, I will decide 3 tasks to accomplish at any cost the next day. And before my “go the extra mile days”, I mentally commit to another 3 tasks.

Chisel them down to the finest level of detail

Vague tasks are sneaky fellows — they can mean nothing and everything at the same time.

Cultivate task-specific rituals

It takes using rituals to understand just how powerful they can be.

Render it impossible to be distracted

Focus is the center stone of productivity, and nothing kills focus as much as distractions do.

  • Find a calm and isolated environment. And let your friends, coworkers, or family know that you don’t want to be disturbed unless there’s an actual emergency. Next to the window in my room is my go-to place. I latch my door as well.
  • Put on a pair of headphones and play the same song on repeat. While music can help drown out other noises, the songs themselves can become distractions. Therefore — loop the same song. This will take your focus off the music. The one I use is Loving You by Eric Prydz.
  • Use blocking software and apps. Finding ColdTurkey writer has been a boon for me — until you meet the set word or time goal, your computer’s turned into a typewriter. For general use-cases, there’s a ColdTurkey blocker. The best part is that you don’t have to use blocking software forever. After a while, you become “trained” enough to work without them.

Alternate short bursts of deep work with pockets of leisure

With refreshing sleep, tasks decided and chiseled down to the sharpest detail, powerful rituals set up, and distractions eliminated, all that’s left is firing the gun.

“Forty-hour workweeks are a relic of the Industrial Age. Knowledge workers function like athletes — train and sprint, then rest and reassess.”

Here’s how I typically weave them together. During a batch writing session, once I’m done with my first article, I leisurely eat my pre-workout meal while reading a novel. Then, I jump right back in, and once the second’s also done, I sit back and sip my black coffee while watching workout compilations.

Final thoughts

Well, there you go — no stringent timetables, no insane to-do lists, no stoic willpower required. Just pure productivity.

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.” — Bruce Lee



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