Tea Gift Ideas for Zodiac sigs

Giving gifts can be hard sometimes. When I give a gift, I want the person who is receiving the gift to feel seen and appreciated. But there are times when I don’t know a person well enough to know what kind of gift they would like.

Fortunately, a person’s zodiac sign can provide clues to the types of gifts they would appreciate.

Here are some tea gift ideas for zodiac signs, perfect for both loved ones and colleagues who could do with a pick-me-up.

Gift-giving isn't always the easiest thing to do! Here are some gift ideas for tea lovers, according to their zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries is the sign of the warrior. If there’s one thing warriors know, it’s stress. Aries would love to unwind with Coconut Ginger Soother herbal tea, a tea that celebrates their fiery spirit while helping them cool down.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Taurus is a sign that loves simple pleasures like animals and a delicious tea party at the park. They would enjoy Carrot Cake herbal tea served in a Wise Owl mug.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21): One of the greatest gifts you can give to chatty Gemini is support for their mindfulness practice. The mint and citrus flavors in Citrus Mint green tea combined with a hit of caffeine will clear their mind and help them focus.

Tea Gift Ideas for Zodiac Signs (plumdeluxe.com)



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