Blooming Teas from China
Here is an email I received from my friend James Dingnan in Tianjin , China . He and his wife run a family business on blooming teas .
I found it rather interesting and definitely worth a read :

Flowering tea or blooming tea consist each of a bundle of dried tea leaves wrapped around one or more dried flowers. These are made by binding tea leaves and flowers together into a bulb and are then set to dry. When steeped, the bundle expands and unfurls in a process that emulates a blooming flower, while the flowers inside emerge as the centerpiece. Typically they are sourced from the Yunnanprovince of China. Flowers commonly used in flowering teas include globe amaranth, chrysanthemum, jasmine, lily, hibiscus, and osmanthus.
It remains uncertain whether flowering tea was developed in the 1980s or was a much older invention ofChina .
Flowering tea is generally served in containers made of glass, or other transparent material, so that the flowering effect can be seen. The bundles can usually be reused two or three times without the tea becoming bitter.
I found it rather interesting and definitely worth a read :
Flowering tea or blooming tea consist each of a bundle of dried tea leaves wrapped around one or more dried flowers. These are made by binding tea leaves and flowers together into a bulb and are then set to dry. When steeped, the bundle expands and unfurls in a process that emulates a blooming flower, while the flowers inside emerge as the centerpiece. Typically they are sourced from the Yunnan
It remains uncertain whether flowering tea was developed in the 1980s or was a much older invention of
Flowering tea is generally served in containers made of glass, or other transparent material, so that the flowering effect can be seen. The bundles can usually be reused two or three times without the tea becoming bitter.
What is Blooming Tea?
There are various forms of tea that you will come across that hold significance. One of the most popular teas is blooming tea which is in great demand. It comes in the form of dried leaves in which the flowers are surrounded in the form of a cotton ball. It is said that this variety was created in the 1980’ s and has been in to use since then. The tea is served in a glass jar because the flowering effect is visible from the glass. One seed of the plant can be used at least two to three times without making any change in the taste. The benefits of the tea are unlimited and you can stay healthy even after having a taste of this splendid drink.
Blooming tea is considered to be a traditional Chinese drink which has become popular over a short period of time. Though not many people are aware about this drink but still those who know about it are quite fond of this tea. It is known by different names one of the most popular one is flowering tea. You can find this tea with both the names in the market. It is also called as the display tea because its appearance is really special. The taste of tea is delicious and once you try it you will never forgets the taste. You can enjoy the taste in just one, two or more cups in a day because there are no side effects of this tea.
Flowering tea is good for your health as it is prepared from herbal plants. It is a source of energy and gives you satisfaction. The main advantage is that after having one glass you can work for the entire day without losing energy. The aroma as well as the flavour of the tea is beyond comparison and you will definitely enjoy the taste. There are many exporters who provide you this tea. Hence you can find such sources with the help of internet. China and India are the main exporters of this tea and you can find it easily.
In the Chinese tradition it is said that if you drink flowering tea then you will have a long life. You can have a fun time with your family as well as friends and invite people to have a sip of tea. It has a unique taste than the normal tea which is available in the market. If you haven’t tried this tea before then here is a chance for you to try it. The taste is different and you will appreciate it. Most of the flavour comes from the flower itself so the petals of the flower will be found in your tea. The tea powder as well as petals both is used in the preparation to give a wonderful taste to the tea.
Blooming tea gives a feeling of freshness to you and makes your day. Those people who are fond of tea will appreciate this gift as it is exclusive and very difficult to find. Only some of the stores keep such kind of tea. With the help of internet you can come across many options from where you can purchase the tea. You can even place an online order and your parcel will be dispatched to you. The online facility allows you to shop for your product in an easy manner. Thus you can find innumerable advantages of this tea.
Blooming tea is prepared from the green tea and is said to be 100% pure. The best thing about the tea is that the flowers are tied with hand so that the petals do not come out. It is one of the finest teas which are available and those who have tried it find it to be amazing. If you have even been to China then you can find the large fields of tea and it is exciting to see the flowers budding out of the plant. It is a unique experience and the visitors love it very much. If you have enough time you can buy tea from here itself. You can find more varieties which are not available in other parts of the countries.
To get a perfect taste flowering tea, green tea as well as the black tea is combined together. People who are familiar with the taste know the right taste of the tea.
In the end it can be concluded that flowering tea has become very famous and people have admired its taste to a large extent. There are numerous positive effects which you get from this tea. If you have never tried the taste of this tea then you must not miss the taste at any cost. The price of the tea is reasonable but if you place the order online some extra charges have to be paid. It will be better that you contact the wholesale dealers who will give the tea at the best price. The quality of this tea is very high and the people have the best time enjoying the taste with their dear ones. It is a perfect option for the gift as well as for home purposes. Hope you enjoy its taste and find it useful. "
Warm Regards
James Dingnan
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