A totally new approach to brewing coffee in a filter .....

At the end of the nineteenth century coffee was made in individual filterssitting on a cup or pot by allowing the water to percolate through the groundcoffee and to  steep in filters suspended in the pot

Bezzera’sespresso machine in 1902 was designed to make a cup of coffee instantaneouslyfor the customer. He must have been aware that he needed to use finely groundcoffee to get rapid extraction, but also that the water would not pass throughthe coffee if it was too fine, without some steam pressure. The fineness of thegrind and consequent blocking prevented espresso grind being used in all othercoffee filters. In 1947 the development of the Gaggia machine using much higherpressure from the spring lever allowed the use of much finer coffee –modern espresso grind – to make coffee in less than 30 seconds..

Now a totally new approach to steep the coffee first and then filter it,using a 60 micron stainless steel mesh filter or filter paper, allows espressogrind coffee to be used to brew coffee almost instantaneously – certainlyless than thirty seconds. The process of filtering and then steeping isreversed to steeping and then filtering which more closely imitates the waythat tasters brew.

The newQuicksteeps TM Turbofilter TMfollows the contours of the mug or pot and is not suspended - it rests on thebase. The espresso ground coffee or very fine tea is measured into the filterand boiling water poured over it.  The water cannot pass through thecoffee or tea and is reflected upwards, causing turbulence with a betterextraction of the separated particles which saturate quickly, releasingtheir flavour immediately. When the brewing is complete, the filter is removed.This contrasts with all suspended filters where the water is poured over thecoffee exerting downward pressure as the water tries to pass through andcompresses it, allowing the fines to fill the interstices and block the flow.In badly designed filters the water flows out the sides of the filter reducingextraction even further. It is this characteristic of most filters whichnecessitates coarser ground coffee and slower and less complete extraction.Espresso ground coffee is 150 microns and plunger/French Press coffee is 750microns.

TheQuicksteeps TM Turbofilter TM  will beoffered with mugs to make one cup at a time and with larger glass or ceramiccoffee pots. Consumer reaction has been very good with particular mention ofthe smoothness of the brew, the amazing speed of brewing and theconvenience.  Coffee and tea is brewed freshly every time which means thatthere is no deterioration on warmers.

The inventor, Ian Bersten from Sydney, Australia, has been roasting coffee since1968 and is the author of ‘Coffee Floats Tea Sinks’ as well as‘Tea In the 21st Century’. (available on Kindle books)

In a conventional filter the water trying to pass through

www.tea-cha.com.au The fastest best way to make tea with maximum health benefits

Note new email ian@helian.net.au   Skype   ian.bersten

My new book 'Tea for the 21st Century' onKindle   http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0054QB6VW


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